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Finance Fundamentals the course.

All the financial tools you need, at your pace.

Finance Fundamentals Course

4 Core Modules

Module 1: Gather

In this module you will assess where you are financially and emotionally with your money. Build a clear picture of your money expenses and money history. Understand your current financial picture so you can get to where you want to go.

Module 2: Learn

This module teaches the core financial principals in easily digestible and fun-formats. Understand investing basics, retirement factors, savings vehicles, and more. Say goodbye to patronizing financial advice, hello to financial confidence!

Module 3: Apply

Okay, but what does this have to do with you? Apply the core financial learnings to your specific needs and circumstances. Take control of your individual retirement needs and the relevant factors. Gain clarity of your financial goals and how money can help you live the life you want. Create a purpose-driven plan for your financial accounts. If applicable, outline a solid approach to tackle debt.

Module 4: Action and Accountability

Set yourself up for long-term success with concrete, tangible steps and accountability tools. Gain confidence in your ability to reach your financial goals. Feel at ease with your spending. Have a clear path with tangible steps to ensure you are in control of your financial future!

Ready for a change? Take charge of your financial future.