Say goodbye to financial anxiety, stress, and uncertainty.

Finance Fundamentals

You want financial peace of mind.

My mission is to get you there.

It’s that simple.

Finance Fundamentals is my 3 month one-on-one signature money coaching program for individuals and couples. It breaks down all that you need to know about personal finance with six easy modules. All with one-on-one personalized coaching, individualized support, and accountability.

First step is to book your free 20 minute consultation call.

**Scroll down to learn more.

The Modules

Module 1: Get Clear on your Money Map

Figure out where you stand with your spending, debt, savings, and retirement. We’ll go through spending exercises together so you can spend more on the things you love. Get clear on where you are so we know how to get you to where you want to go!

Module 2: Articulate your Goals

What do you want to prioritize in your life? Explore exercises to help shift out the “shoulds” and uncover the life you want to lead. As Mary Oliver says, “what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” You’ll make values-based goals and break them down into specific and actionable steps so you’re already on your way to achieving them.

Module 3: Understand Retirement and Investing Fundamentals

Want investing to feel more accessible and attainable? I’ve got you! After this module you’ll be more comfortable navigating the investment waters and have the investing fundamentals down. Goodbye patronizing advisors and confusing financial jargon, hello confidence!

Module 4: Arrive at Automation Station

By this step you’ll know where you’re going and where you want to go. Let’s make it easy by automating! Want to boost your retirement contributions? Set aside money for that romantic getaway? Together we will automate concrete contributions towards these goals so you can have your money working for you every step of the way.

Module 5: Conquer your Credit

Credit scores matter! If you want to take out any kind of debt, higher credit scores can get you lower interest rates and save hundreds of thousands of dollars over the lifetime of a loan. But it can be daunting to tackle the ins and outs on your own. Learn how to improve your score and review your credit reports stress-free.

Module 6: Accountability and Action!

Building on previous sessions, you will receive a personalized action plan that reflects your financial wellness path. We’ll tackle and complete items on your action plan and you’ll receive guidance to stick to key changes and keep up the momentum.

Financial wellness is a journey, not a destination; these closing sessions will set you up for long-term success to hone in on the skills you learned, build on positive habits, and stay accountable to yourself, your vision, and your goals.

  • 3 months

  • 6 modules

  • 9 (one hour-long) sessions

  • Personalized coaching for your specific needs

  • Unlimited email support

  • Ongoing Accountability

  • Proven Results

*Note: All sessions are virtual.

The Breakdown

Ready for a change?

Take the first step and schedule your free 20 minute consultation call.

No commitment required.